Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with a $500 fine and up to six months of jail time with your pants on the ground.  That’s the tune one Florida town is singing following the passing of its latest law against those who wear baggy pants. On Tuesday, the Ocale city Council Passed an Ordinance against “anyone on city property from wearing their pants two inches below their natural waist in a way that exposes underwear or bare buttocks.”     This isn’t the first time towns have gone below the belt to wage a war against low-hanging pants. While Ocala’s ordinance may not be unique, it’s the punishment that is, because, as Fashionista points out, cities with similar laws fine offenders “no more than $50 for repeat offenders.” Also, some are worried that this could lead to racial profiling.
But Councilwoman Mary Rich, who proposed the law—and who also happens to be black—denies that:   “It doesn’t matter what color they are. They all wear their pants down…If you pull them up, you might be a better citizen because you may be able to find a J.O.B.”
Can we propose that the Ocala City Council focus on more important things that actually matter in that fine state of Florida??